
Pastoral Office Hours:

Tuesday from 9am-12pm and 5-7pm or by appointment

Church Office Hours:

Tuesday and Friday, 8am - 12pm


Join us on Sundays for:

9:30am - Adult Sunday school / Bible study

11:00am - Worship Service

11:15am - Children's Sunday school (K-6th grade class AND tween/teen class)


Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser

The 4-H Teen Exchange is having a Spaghetti Dinner fundraiser in our dining room again this year on Sat, Feb 8th from 5-7pm. Pre-sale tickets are $12; $15 at the door. Dinner includes pasta, salad, roll, dessert and beverage. All proceeds go towards the teen’s tickets to fly to Colorado this year (part 2 of the exchange). You can get tickets by contacting Leeann, Jenn or the 4-H office at 331-8415.

Baby Bottle Fundraiser for Care Net

The Baby Bottle Campaign for Care Net Pregnancy Center of Wayne County has begun. Care Net is dedicated to promoting the sanctity of human life and believes that every human being is deserving of protection from the moment of conception. This Campaign is an opportunity to partner with them to help women and men choose life for their babies.

Consider taking a baby bottle home with you to fill with coins, bills, or checks. (Bottles are on the little table before heading upstairs). The funds raised will go towards providing material assistance for families, life skills and parenting classes, pregnancy tests, decision coaching, and abortion recovery programs. Every program offered is based on Biblical principles and includes spiritual applications. Each employee agrees with a Christian Statement of Faith and the Vision and Mission of Care Net. The services are free and wouldn’t be possible without your donations. You make a huge difference in the lives of many and your support is appreciated.

Please bring your bottles back by Feb 16th.

  February 2025  
This Week's Events


Spaghetti Dinner
5:00 PM to 7:00 PM
Bible Search